Still feeling ill today, but I went ahead and worked anyway with the aid of cold medicine. I took a nap during my lunch hour, but also took the time to do dishes.
I get emotional when I remember how Ambrose would take care of me when I was sick. He would make the best soups. He would make sure I was drinking enough fluids and getting extra sleep. He would just be there, making the household run while I fought off whatever bug I’d caught. And I’d take care of him on the rare occasions that he would catch something.
I did a set of exercises from the first week of level 1 Hips and Glutes for my Move U movements today. All the exercises are done lying down, so I was able to go through my slow reps while feeling ill.
Interesting conversation with my family this evening. I like when we get to talking about more than just what we’ve done since talking last, though I treasure those updates as well.
Seems I don’t write as much when I’m sick.