It seemed, back in March, that the summer would never come.
And now, summer is over, and I’m currently on my last vacation of the year. And it’s not even a backpacking trip, alas.
I suppose visiting my family is almost as good 😉
Ambrose and I are already spending the vacation time that I’ll be earning next year. He’s hoping to take his sister on an outing at Big Creek. We are definitely going to the ocean again – a trip that’s been deferred now for 3 years. And, of course, I’ll be doing more on the Idaho Centennial Trail.
When I started the ICT, I was hoping to finish before I turned 40, and I tried to keep my mileage high to do that. Turns out, high mileage doesn’t work for me, not the way I was doing it anyway. So, I’m just going to keep biting little chunks, and I bet I’ll finish my section hike before I turn 50.