I’d like to say that this isn’t like me, not to finish a trip write up nearly two months after said trip. But the truth is, it is rather like me, when I have a lot of things going on in my life. Buying a house and moving into said house have taken up a lot of my bandwidth for the last two months. I haven’t yet settled into a new routine, although there are a bunch more things that I’m doing here than I used to do in Boise.
Like, in Boise, I’d get up at 4:30 am to get to a 5 am CrossFit class. Here, I’m waking up at 5, eating breakfast, and then going outside from 6 to 7 to do yard work of various sorts. Mowing, hoeing, mucking and more! It’s not a CrossFit workout, but it is a workout. Or on some days, I’ll get up at 5, eat a snack and then go for a run. Then it’s time to shower and get ready for work. I bought myself a bluetooth shower speaker, and for some reason I’m now showering a lot faster than I used to. Maybe it’s because I’m subconsciously counting songs and not letting myself have too many?
I haven’t yet really found the time for when I’ll be doing my writing. Rather, I haven’t made the time. I’ve stolen bits and pieces of time, but not put together a plan. And it might take me some time to get settled into that. It’s important for me that I do keep up these blogs and keep writing, even if it’s just a quick write up minutes before I mean to post.
I did start a calisthenics program yesterday with some tests. I even took video of those tests, though I’m not sure I’m going to be posting them anywhere. It’s more for me, so I can compare it to after completing the 6 week program. It’s through BaseBlocks, which is where I got my bars. I got a 90 day free trial with purchase, so I figure that’s my chance to check out whether I like their style or not. The regular monthly rate is reasonable, about $20 per month for monthly, less for annual.
Ambrose and I were going to hike last weekend, but we somehow got a small cold, and the weather was still super rainy. This long weekend coming up will involve at least one day of hiking and one day of exploratory driving. The order will depend on the weather, as usual. And we’re planning an end of June trip to Blackmare Lake, a favorite old hike – and a good one for shakedown. I’ve ordered a new sleeping pad. It’s a bit heavier than the ones that I’ve been using recently, but I think the durability may make up for that. I think between Ambrose and myself, we’ve literally sliced our last 4 Expeds to the point where they needed immediate field repair. His was usually from his fingernails; I have no clue how I sliced mine!
I’m going to push myself to wrap up the write up of the Hells Canyon trip before the day hike so I can clear my board for the summer’s adventures. They’re coming and they’re going to be fun!