Last year when I went in for my eye exam, I tried very hard to stick with contact lenses. Even though I’d been developing an astigmatism for the last few years, I didn’t want to go back to wearing glasses full time. Not when I’d experienced the ability to wear the contacts for weeks at a time. It was almost like not having myopia at all…
But even with the toric lenses that accommodate for the astigmatism, I found myself unable to see well at a distance. I began to have headaches and was squinting more and more as the fall rolled around. So I decided to try a contact lens vacation, with a focus on not squinting. After a few weeks of just glasses, I had come to the conclusion that the contact lenses didn’t work well enough.
I still wore them for some exercise (mostly CrossFit and swimming), but for the most part I was glasses only. And I decided that I would get new glasses at my next eye appointment.
A week and a half ago, I went in to the eye doctor and got a surprise. My right eye had changed enough that the doctor exclaimed in what was almost an unprofessional manner. I couldn’t even see blurry letters with my right eye – the rectangle that contained letters when I looked with my left was a blur of white with the left eye covered.
I thought that my prescription might have changed a little, based on the way that street signs wouldn’t come into focus the way that I wanted, but I hadn’t expected something so big. My left eye was compensating for my right eye in a major way. So when I picked up my new glasses yesterday, I discovered that I was not at all used to having both eyes properly corrected.
I’m still getting used to them, but it’s nice to have new frames: