I woke up feeling a little better than I did yesterday. I got myself moving and went for my walk in the moonlight. It’s waning, so I won’t be able to do that for too much longer. The weather has been surprisingly clear and warm for January. Though the temps have been getting down to the teens in the mornings.
I think the Clonazepam from yesterday lasted into today. I didn’t remember any dreams, and I woke feeling half numb. Good to know that the effects are longer lasting.
Today wasn’t easy. My body feels exhausted and painful. My mind doesn’t want to focus.
I’m okay. Overall, I am okay.
I just don’t want to do anything.
But I’m doing my walks. I went on three walks today, and I washed all the dishes that were in my sink. I’ve not been able to keep up with washing them as I’d hoped, but I’m not letting them sit more than a few days at least.
I got a tax document in the mail that I don’t understand at all. It’s frustrating.
My boss asked me if I wanted to go to a summit in Texas in April. The dates nearly overlap with what I’d planned to request for Ambrose’s celebration of life in South Carolina. I don’t know if I want to go on a crazy trip like that, going from a business thing to the emotional thing and not getting time in between to recover. The thought of it got me a bit upset. I didn’t want to have to answer that question.
I was going to go play cards with my neighbors in the evening, but I didn’t manage my time after work well and ended up being too late. We’ll try for tomorrow evening. After work, I went on my walk and then finally did Hips & Glutes level 2, week 2, day 5, which took longer than expected. And I still had to eat dinner. I’ll get to start week 3 tomorrow, which brings in squats at long last. Oh, and my walk was my fastest yet, despite a fierce wind trying to blow me back down the hill on my way up.
I had loaded yogurt for dinner. I didn’t like the pumpkin seeds at first, but now I’m finding them to be an essential component of a protein filled yogurt, along with walnuts and raisins. My digestion has been super weird today. The only poop that came out all day looked like nearly undigested blueberries (that also came out last night). Since I ate blueberries yesterday morning, that’s a fast transit. Just super weird.
I’ve been tired all day. My plan for tomorrow is to get up at 6, take my walk, shower, eat, and then, if I’m still tired, take a nap. I’ve got a morning family zoom, and a plan for evening cards. And I’ll do additional walking, and my exercises. I hope to get some writing done. And perhaps some work on videos. I’m nearly done with the video of the first day of the last trip Ambrose and I took. It’s hard to work on it, but also good. And I really want to get around to ordering some hard copy photos of Ambrose so I can hang them on my walls. I know one for sure, but I want to get more than one.
The sunset put on a show while I walked today: