Although I hadn’t intended it, I have ended up taking a bit of a rest week this week between Christmas and New Years. This is in part due to a cold that I acquired at some point. Not a bad cold, but irksome enough to prevent me from running in sub-freezing temperatures, which just happened to arrive this week.
I think it’s actually a good thing. While I like creating a streak of running 10 miles a week, I think my body will benefit from a little break in the routine. I’ll be getting back to it next week, I hope. And in the meantime, I’ll focus more on the kind of work I can do sitting at my desk.
I’ve been doing better with my tummy pain lately. I’m thinking that I may have been more stressed about the whole thing than I realized. I recently started paying close attention to what I’m eating, because I’m doing calorie counting. I’d like to lose some weight – not too much, because I still need to carry my backpack, but I’d like to see if I can go from hovering around 150 to hovering around 140. Part of that will come from a renewed commitment to exercise, but the part that will actually get it done is the calorie counting, no matter how much I despise it.
I mean, despise might be too harsh. I find it troublesome and irritating to not only track what I’m eating, but how much of it. I guess I should be happy I’m not currently interested in the time that I’m eating. My dad has suggested intermittent fasting, but I really don’t like how I feel when I’ve gone too long without eating. Maybe fasting will work for me someday, but that day is not nigh.
And it doesn’t matter how much I eat or don’t eat when my period comes around. I’ll gain weight at that time no matter what I do, which makes it hard to see progress sometimes. But I do think that I’m seeing progress, so the counting, however tedious, is here to stay.