For reasons beyond my control, I could not do a solo trip this year. In order to continue to put out a Hike with Me book this year, I’m going to use the coast hike. These entries will be shorter than normal, because the full story will be published this winter.
Farewell, Cape Alava! |
We left the campsite in the morning mists and began our journey back to Rialto Beach.
Headland trail through Wedding Rocks. |
Though the tide was low, we took the headland trail through Wedding Rocks.
Headland trails are fun! |
I really dig the headland trails, especially when they have ropes.
Sand Point headland trail. |
Not all the headland trails involved climbing. The one across Sand Point was totally flat, and well marked.
Cute! |
We saw otters running out of the ocean. This may be the cutest thing.
Ready for its close-up. |
Of course, then this deer let us get within 10 feet and didn’t spook.
Starfish! |
And then Ambrose found me a starfish. This was a day of much cuteness.
Me in the ocean, and Ambrose’s finger. |
I frolicked in the ocean at Yellow Bank.
The view from bed. |
We cowboy camped that night above the beach. Best view ever? Quite possibly.