Lately, my toes to bar have been doing really well. Part of it, I put on using the skinnier bar to hold on to. I get a better grip on the skinnier bar and it helps keep me from tearing my hands up.
But part of it is because I’ve been working hard this year. I attended a lot more crossfit classes than I ever have before and I have improved in so many ways. Back in 2015, before the Crossfit Open, I went to a class where the workout involved doing toes to bar.
It was actually an open workout from 2014, 14.4, which starts with 60 calories on the rower, then 50 toes to bar, 40 wall balls, 30 cleans and 20 muscle ups. In that particular class, I didn’t even think to scale, because there was no scaling option for the 2014 open. I rowed 60 calories, and then I tried for the remaining time of the 14 minute time cap to do a single toes to bar.
I couldn’t do one.
I tried, and I tried, and I tried, but I couldn’t do it.
And yesterday I did a workout with sets of 15 toes to bar. I did one set unbroken and two more broken sets in that workout. I even got a complement on my work from another athlete.
I was not athletic to start. I never did sports in school. But I’ve been working hard, and it shows. The proof is in the toes to bar.